The library in community

1 - 10 of 21 proposals in this category.
Chris Peterson SM '13 | June 25, 2016

Earlier today I opened an envelope to find a letter to myself dated May 2008. I had completely forgotten that, as an...

Karrie Peterson | April 26, 2016

At the MIT Open House, I was again struck by how MIT people who are working in different ways on the same problem...

Grace Kindeke | March 22, 2016

Having a rotating collection of 2D and 3D artwork in all the libraries. Developing a relationship with the arts...

Rhonda K. | February 26, 2016

Let's have a meditation room/area! I'm thinking a quiet area with soft lighting, meditation cushions, yoga...

Frances Botsford | February 26, 2016

The libraries should show more of its excellent collections and expertise online through small, curated digital...

Sean | February 19, 2016

Devoting space in the library for members of the public to display personal collections. These rotating displays...

Emily - MIT employee | February 11, 2016

A collection of visually-appealing, large format books could be displayed in a "Coffee Table" area - where...

Alissa Borshchenko | December 17, 2015

As a student of Media in Cultural Context (21L.715) this past fall, I had the opportunity to visit the MIT Special...

Alice Lu | December 17, 2015

Taking a literature class (21L.715) that heavily involved use of MIT’s libraries, specifically the Special...

Ashley Meng | December 17, 2015

After spending hours in Special Collections, my primary criticism is that I would have liked hours to have been more...
