Members of the Ad Hoc Task Force on the Future of Libraries
Chris Bourg, the Director of MIT Libraries, has convened an Ad Hoc Task Force on the Future of Libraries, composed of faculty, staff, and students from across the Institute. Meet the task force members.

Chris Bourg (chair)
Director of Libraries
MIT Libraries

Bruce Tidor (cochair)
EECS, Biological Engineering and Computer Science, CSAIL

Adam Albright
Associate Professor
Linguistics & Philosophy

Tonio Buonassisi
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Isaac Chuang
Senior Associate Dean of Digital Learning;
EECS and Physics

Mary Fuller
Head of the Literature Section

Erhart Graeff
Graduate student
Media Arts and Sciences

Stephen Graves
Abraham J. Siegel Professor of Management Science, Sloan School of Management;
Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Systems

Tim Grove
Associate Department Head;
Cecil & Ida Green Professor of Geology
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences

Lareese Hall
Architecture and Art Librarian
MIT Libraries

Cesar Hidalgo
Associate Professor
Program in Media Arts and Sciences, MIT Media Lab

Nicholas Hoffman
Undergraduate student
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences

Erica James
Associate Professor
Anthropology Program

Rafael Jaramillo
Assistant Professor
Materials Science and Engineering

Amy Keating
Biology and Biological Engineering

Jetson Leder-Luis
Graduate studentÂ

Stuart Madnick
J N Maguire Professor of Information Technology
Sloan School of Management

Gita Manaktala
Editorial Director
MIT Press

Sophie Mori
Undergraduate student
EECS, Linguistics & Philosophy

Christine Ortiz
Dean for Graduate Education, Chancellor's Office;
Materials Science and Engineering

Doug Pfeiffer
Task Force Staff;
Assistant Provost for Administration
Provost’s Office

Emily Richmond Pollock
Assistant Professor
Music and Theater Arts Section

Jeffrey Ravel
Head of the History Section

Leigh Royden
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences

Brent Ryan
Associate Professor
Urban Studies and Planning

Oliver Thomas
Technology Consultant
Information Systems & Technology

Sean Thomas
Program Manager, Scholarly Repository Services
MIT Libraries

Benjamin Tidor
Undergraduate student
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Meejin Yoon
Head, Professor
Architecture and Planning

Ethan Zuckerman
Principal Research Scientist, Director of the Center for Civic Media
MIT Media Lab