Idea Bank

The idea bank is a public forum for sharing ideas and starting a conversation about the future of libraries. Below you can browse the ideas that have been submitted, but the bank is now closed. View the preliminary report

1 - 10 of 70 Ideas
Frances Botsford | September 13, 2016

It would be great to have a small mini-branch of the library along student street when the Nano building is... (more)

Chris Peterson SM '13 | June 25, 2016

Earlier today I opened an envelope to find a letter to myself dated May 2008. I had completely forgotten that, as an... (more)

Karrie Peterson | April 26, 2016

An idea I heard at the MIT Open House when speaking with a research scientist. They need and want all the MIT... (more)

Karrie Peterson | April 26, 2016

What happens to the amazing work that is done at MIT by research scientists or grad students in labs, or faculty in... (more)

Karrie Peterson | April 26, 2016

At the MIT Open House, I was again struck by how MIT people who are working in different ways on the same problem... (more)

Karrie Peterson | April 26, 2016

What if there was Library studio space for Digital Humanities classes (an active learning classroom) so that more of... (more)

Karrie Peterson | April 26, 2016

I sat in on a digital humanities class (Kurt Fendt - Hyperstudio) which sparked ideas about what Libraries might do... (more)

Maia Weinstock | April 3, 2016

Following an idea implemented at Troy University, it would be great for the MIT Libraries to install exercise bikes... (more)

Jen | March 31, 2016

can we please have the homepage of all computers within the libraries be the MIT Libraries homepage? This is an... (more)

table 4 @ ace | March 31, 2016

Can we please have a PA system for all libraries? This would allow students to warned that library closing is... (more)
