Look forward to one physical book
R. Parr and W. Yang's classical book on DFT, "Density functional theory of atoms and molecules" is unfortunately not in the collection of MIT library. It is worth to having one!
Why do you care about library spaces, collections, and services?:
It is so classical that every chemist or physicist who's going to conduct research in
this field must read.
However it's a little bit expensive to every student / researcher to buy one. But if
there's one in the library, that would be great!
Chris Bourg on November 20, 2015
Hi - thanks for the comment. We actually have 2 copies of this book in our collection: http://library.mit.edu/item/000962707
Hongzhou Ye on November 22, 2015
Oh!! My fault! Thank you so much!!!
Hongzhou Ye on November 22, 2015
Oh!! My fault! Thank you so much!!!