What happens to the amazing work that is done at MIT by research scientists or grad students in labs, or faculty in...
Library collections (physical and digital)
can we please have the homepage of all computers within the libraries be the MIT Libraries homepage? This is an...
Relaying an idea I heard this morning - an Uber-like app for book deliver on campus. Hire lots of students and...
If the Libraries do not have research information the MIT Community wants, the Libraries will borrow it from other...
Circulate more unique stuff (a/v supplies, tools/devices, old/novel equipment) students can use for projects. Look...
Have a few spaces available where scholars can interact with with numerous items from the collections, particularly...
The libraries should show more of its excellent collections and expertise online through small, curated digital...
Devoting space in the library for members of the public to display personal collections. These rotating displays...
A collection of visually-appealing, large format books could be displayed in a "Coffee Table" area - where...
There are examples of libraries that lend tools (power tools, garden tools, sewing machines, etc.), open-pollinated...
Note: maybe this could be supported by a grant for libraries as a community anchor?...
I love the idea of items being lent out via the library. Anything that has to do with...
Hi Emily - Yes! Coffee! with a lid! Dewey Library does this on a small scale, where...
Thanks for the suggestion, Hayk. Just a heads up that the MIT Libraries currently...
My wife, another MIT Grad has the same sensitivity to high frequency sound. We should...