Earlier today I opened an envelope to find a letter to myself dated May 2008. I had completely forgotten that, as an...
The library in community
At the MIT Open House, I was again struck by how MIT people who are working in different ways on the same problem...
Having a rotating collection of 2D and 3D artwork in all the libraries. Developing a relationship with the arts...
Let's have a meditation room/area! I'm thinking a quiet area with soft lighting, meditation cushions, yoga...
The libraries should show more of its excellent collections and expertise online through small, curated digital...
Devoting space in the library for members of the public to display personal collections. These rotating displays...
A collection of visually-appealing, large format books could be displayed in a "Coffee Table" area - where...
As a student of Media in Cultural Context (21L.715) this past fall, I had the opportunity to visit the MIT Special...
Taking a literature class (21L.715) that heavily involved use of MIT’s libraries, specifically the Special...
After spending hours in Special Collections, my primary criticism is that I would have liked hours to have been more...
Note: maybe this could be supported by a grant for libraries as a community anchor?...
I love the idea of items being lent out via the library. Anything that has to do with...
Hi Emily - Yes! Coffee! with a lid! Dewey Library does this on a small scale, where...
Thanks for the suggestion, Hayk. Just a heads up that the MIT Libraries currently...
My wife, another MIT Grad has the same sensitivity to high frequency sound. We should...