Idea Bank

The idea bank is a public forum for sharing ideas and starting a conversation about the future of libraries. Below you can browse the ideas that have been submitted, but the bank is now closed. View the preliminary report

21 - 30 of 70 Ideas
Rhonda K. | February 26, 2016

Let's have a meditation room/area! I'm thinking a quiet area with soft lighting, meditation cushions, yoga... (more)

Frances Botsford | February 26, 2016

The libraries should show more of its excellent collections and expertise online through small, curated digital... (more)

Emily | February 22, 2016

The fluorescent lights that dominate all study spaces are very taxing on the eyes and the body. Softer lighting is... (more)

Sean | February 19, 2016

Devoting space in the library for members of the public to display personal collections. These rotating displays... (more)

Emily - MIT employee | February 11, 2016

Some libraries offer equipment for making books, vinyl signage, buttons, and other media for communicating ideas.... (more)

Emily - MIT employee | February 11, 2016

A collection of visually-appealing, large format books could be displayed in a "Coffee Table" area - where... (more)

Emily - MIT employee | February 11, 2016

There are examples of libraries that lend tools (power tools, garden tools, sewing machines, etc.), open-pollinated... (more)

Lisa Horowitz | February 8, 2016

Redesigning Organizations and Spaces:
... (more)

Everett Malone | December 17, 2015

I have spent much of my time here at MIT exploring the sheer breadth of what the libraries offer. As a literature... (more)
